Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Another Season of Basketball In the Books for Isabella

Last week, we wrapped up Isabella's second season of recreational basketball with the Homer Athletic Club and they are CHAMPIONS!!  Isabella started playing the season in November 2017 and she had 23 practises and 17 games total!  We loved going to her games and being her biggest cheerleaders!  Isabella grew leaps and bounds this season!  She started the season shy and ended being one of the best defense players on her team! 

The BEST accessory a girl can OWN is CONFIDENCE and you nailed it this season ISABELLA! 

We celebrated all of her hard work with a congratulations card and her favorite cake!  She was smiling from ear to ear all night after her team won the final game and got their trophies!  Atta girl!  Keep playing and enjoy the game if you want!!  Check it out.....

Isabella is #3 up front in the purple.

Isabella making a steal!

Isabella's lucky headband and her best friend Kaitlyn.

Her celebration card and her favorite cake!

3rd and 4th grade CHAMPION TROPHY

Congratulations GIRLS!  You worked hard this season!!  

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