Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Remembering.  Creating memories.  Jump starting the season!  Cooking out - hamburgers, hot dogs and ea tin some Cole slaw that looks orange.  Some potato salad that is too mus tardy.  Spending time with family.  Relaxing.  Getting caught up on chores.  Loving!  Teaching a little one to use a power tool for the first time.  Have a Nice Day Camp!!!  Where your children make a camp for adults and make all the yummy food you could ever enjoy!  Enjoying the FIRSTS of the season...such as jumping in the refreshing pool for the first time........

Giselle learning how to use to power drill to create a trellis!

The FIRST time in the POOL for the Season.....I think we need another GIANT raft to keep them SMILING!

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!

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