Monday, September 24, 2018

Isabella Bridges to a Girl Scout Junior!

Last week, Isabella got together with all of her fellow Girl Scouts and they bridged from Brownies to Juniors.  It was a very nice outdoor ceremony with five of her fellow friends.  I was getting ready to leave the house and grabbed her sash and then found the zip lock baggie full of patches that I forgot to sew on - whoops!  (You know what I will be doing in my free time now.)  After wards, the girls enjoyed cupcakes, ice cream and balloons!

All of Isabella's patches she earned that need to be sewed on her sash.

The empty sash.

Isabella SO HAPPY to BRIDGE!

All of the girls

Beautiful Bella Bridging!
  Isabella - As a Girl Scout Junior, you will continue finding out who you are and which path is right for you.  That's what makes you a leader, adventurous and thoughtful!  You have the power to inspire others and light up their lives!  In your own special way, you are making the world a better place!!  We love you to the moon and back and then some!

Thursday, September 20, 2018


It was getting ready for school to start and at the last minute, I thought..."Why not take a road trip with the girls?"  I had no idea where we would go.  I knew the road would take us somewhere, and that it did.

Five days before school started, we packed up the car with all things girlie and headed for Traverse City, MI.  We had never been there, so WHY NOT?  4 hours and 52 minutes until destination!  We cranked the music up and sang really loud to all of our favorite tunes!  That's what you do on a road trip, right?

Upper Michigan is absolutely beautiful and peaceful.  I can see why Bob Seger has spent his life singing about it.  The unique dichotomy is what you get with a BIG small town.  It gently connects you to mother nature while subtly delivering sophistication.  Everything just feels so RELAXED and NATURAL.

I love spending time with these two beautiful girls of mine.  First stop, was Great Wolf Lodge (an indoor/outdoor water park).  They were super excited when we got in our room to learn that they had their own room with bunk beds.  Giselle called TOP bunk and Isabella took the bottom. The next day, they switched spots.  We stayed a couple of days there and enjoyed swimming, the water slides, the game room, story time, craft time AND the candy shop!  We had a nail painting party and Isabella also made a homemade blanket during our stay.

After a couple of days, we checked out of Great Wolf and headed to a hotel that was located on the beach.  They enjoyed swimming for hours and also collecting rocks.  We figured we would head to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park and explore the lakes, islands and forest.  The girls had fun hiking and checking out the beaches.  They were so exhausted from the previous days that they did not want to climb the dunes, but we were able to see it.

All in all, it was a fantastic trip and we created lots of memories together.  Giselle has already said that she wants to have her birthday party at Great Wolf and they are both asking where we will go for our next GIRLS TRIP.  Until the next trip!!
That slide was FUN mommy!!

Coloring their t-shirts

Deciding on which candy to get

Soaking up the warmth at Sleeping Bear Dunes, MI

Lookout Point, Sleeping Bear Dunes

The BEAUTIFUL views while hiking

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Isabella's 10th Birthday

On September 6, 2018, Isabella turned 10 years old.  It's hard for me to fathom that she is now in the double digits because to me, it was just yesterday that I was pregnant with her.  Time flies when you are having fun and boy did we have fun for her birthday!  She woke up to a HUGE 10 balloon, a Happy Birthday sign and donuts from Dunkin.  All of her classmates gave her a big card signed from the group.  After school, I greeted her at the bus with a bouquet of balloons and then Grandma Chug and Grandpa Dale stopped by and wished her well and she opened her presents from them.
Once Bob came home from work, we were off to McDonald's because the birthday girl wanted to eat there for dinner and also play.  Afterward, we came home and she opened all of her presents and CAKE!  I always ask the girls what kind of cake they want for their birthday and this year, Isabella chose another unicorn cake.  2 years in a row and the unicorn cake is still going strong. 
Isabella's new sleeping mask from Giselle


Isabella's POOL PARTY

The kiddos enjoying PIZZA

The FROSTING Facial!  

Isabella super excited with her presents from Giselle

The kids trying to fill their bags with candy from the pinata and Giselle yelling MOMMY!  I need my bag!!

Isabella also wanted a pool party at our house with all of her friends from school.  On Saturday, September 8th, we had her closest friends over from 1-3:30 p.m.  For the first hour, all of the kiddos went in the pool, and then we had pizza and unicorn cupcakes.  After that, they all lined up and took turns hitting a unicorn pinata filled with candy.  Everyone had a great time and we enjoyed meeting all of the parents of her classmates.

We are incredibly proud of the young lady Isabella is molding to be.  She has worked so hard on becoming a better reader and she is doing great!  She knows MATH like no body's business.  LOVES to craft, bake and sew!  Is extremely thoughtful, kind, and compassionate.  This year, Isabella plans to continue playing basketball and participating in Girl scouts. 

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...