Monday, December 31, 2018

December was a MAGICAL month

While we didn't have a white Christmas this year, it was a magical month for the girls.  They went to go and see Santa and tell him about all the things they wanted for Christmas.  We went to go and see "The Grinch That Stole Christmas" at a theatre downtown.  Bob baked five different kinds of cookies with the girls.  Isabella was in The Nutcracker musical at school as a candy cane.  Isabella lost a tooth on Christmas Eve and the tooth fairy payed her a visit.  We got to get together with family and enjoy yummy food and great company.  The elf on the shelf moved around the house magically for the entire month of December.  And Baxie got lots of new chew toys at Christmas too.  Until next year.

Do you see the MAGIC in this photo?

A big kid at heart!

Santa at the greenhouse

Giselle on Christmas Day
Big SMILES in their comfortable jammies!

Isabella LOVES her animals!

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