Friday, January 25, 2019

Happy 8th Birthday Giselle

Giselle had quite an eventful birthday this year.  Just the way she likes it!  She started the day off with Dunkin Donuts from daddy and then headed off to gymnastics camp for the day.  The day flew by and in the evening, we headed off to the bowling alley where we bowled a couple of games and had pizza.  And what would be a birthday without cake?  This year Giselle received a mini "Trolls" themed cake with cupcakes surrounding it with her name on it.
Over the weekend, we had a party for her at Sky Zone with 13 of her closest classmates from school.  Sky Zone is a local place where PLAY is encouraged.  They have dodge ball, a warrior course, trampolines and so much more.  It was right up Giselle's interests, as she loves to be competitive and be active.

I love watching this little one grow and she really keeps me on my toes!  At eight years old, all she wants to do is GO GO GO!!  If you tell her to go pack - we are going on vacation for the weekend - she packs her bag in 10 minutes and is READY to GO OUT THAT DOOR.  And she gets SO EXCITED to go anywhere.  She loves gymnastics, playing soccer, playing basketball and this year, she is really into playing with barbies.  And she still LOVES her teddy bears.  Nine times out of ten, she always has a SMILE on her face and watch out because she is a JOKESTER.  She will fool you when you least expect it and make you LAUGH.  Happy Birthday Giselle!!  Keep singing, dancing, and smiling!!

Making that MAGICAL wish on her 8th birthday!

She got that Barbie corvette for those barbies.

Giselle and Isabella in a dueling match.....

At Sky Zone with classmates.

Giselle climbing to the top of that wall....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...