Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter to YOU and YOURS

Happy Easter to YOU and YOURS!  We are having a beautiful day here in Illinois!  It's 77 degrees and the sun is shining on Easter!  I can't remember the last time the weather was this nice on this day!  The girls enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at the church on Saturday with over 3500 stuffed eggs.  Giselle won a GOLDEN ticket inside an egg and won a jump rope.  Last night, I gave them a bag of marshmallows and told them that if they sprinkled them all over the front lawn, the Easter Bunny would be sure to stop at our house.  I'm pretty sure they consumed half of the bag before they made it onto the lawn.  (BTW, Bob was really happy with me that I came up with that bright idea, lol.)

Wouldn't you believe those marshmallows worked??!!  The Easter bunny placed eggs all over our front yard for the girls to have a hunt and they woke up to a nice basket!

Lastly, we went out to a phenomenal Easter brunch at Capital Grille.  Our bellies our full, the weather is beautiful and it's a good day to relax and kick your feet up.  I almost forgot to tell you....Giselle and Isabella learned how to ride a bicycle today with NO training wheels!!  BIG NEWS!!  
Happy Easter everyone!!  XOXOX

Before the Easter egg hunt

Opening Easter Eggs from the hunt at church

If you leave MARSHMALLOWS all over the front yard and don't eat them all, the EASTER BUNNY WILL COME!!

Easter Morning

Easter Brunch @ Capital Grille

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