Thursday, June 20, 2019

Another Soccer Season.....

Giselle finished another soccer season with a medal!  When I signed her up at the beginning of the season, I signed her up to play 3rd and 4th grade.  Well that was a mistake!  She was supposed to be playing 1st and 2nd grade soccer leagues!  She was the smallest player on her team and the only girl out there often times!  Epic mommy fail moment.....

With all the rain this season, several games and practices were cancelled so we didn't get a lot of field time, however Giselle continued to grow stronger and refine her soccer skills.  As always, we enjoyed watching her play out on the field making her competitive faces and Isabella enjoyed the season playing at the park and petting all the dogs.
Receiving her medal

The 3rd and 4th grade team

Last Soccer Game in the Rain!

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