Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer at the Stables

Young Isabella and Giselle can walk and trot a horse like a professional at the mere ages of 10 and 8. (Must be that their daddy went to Kentucky and their love for horses, the Derby and Kentucky Downs, in which they have gone several years!)

Their mere love for stately animals aside, what helped them flourish was the staff at Cedar Stables, a family-run horse farm here in Homer Glen.
This marks the second year in a row that the girls have participated in this camp.  It is beneficial for them because it gives them the opportunity to learn more about the animals and their day-to-day care.  In addition to riding lessons, the children at the camp get a chance to learn how to clean stalls, feed horses, take care of saddles and bridles and how to tend the barn.  At the end of the week, parents are invited to watch them ride and see what they have learned.
I really enjoyed watching Isabella and Giselle blossom from last year to now with their equestrian friends named Trouble and Louie.  Can you guess which little girl had which horse?  Kind of ironic that Giselle's horse was named "Trouble."  Hmmmmmm……..

To my surprise, the Homer Horizon came (our local newspaper) and WHO was featured on the second page of the newspaper?  MY GIRLS - Giselle and Isabella!!!  They were SO EXCITED that they got to be interviewed by a reporter and that their story was in the newspaper!

All in all, it was a great week and in addition to horse camp, because it was so close, we took the back roads every morning and I let each girl drive the gator to and from camp.  Giselle was a pro at driving and Isabella almost crashed us a few times and rattled my soul, but that's why they call it "lessons."  Pretty soon they will be ready to drive a car!
Isabella on her horse

Giselle, with her horse..."TROUBLE"

The horseshoe craft the girls made with a photo of all the girls

Giselle driving.  I couldn't get a photo of Isabella because I had to concentrate!!
The Homer Horizon newspaper article.  Giselle is pictured in top right and Isabella is pictured bottom right

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...