Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Nostalgia is not LOST and ALWAYS beats TECHNOLOGY

In a world filled with so many distractions like I-phones, X-box, Nintendo Switch, Face time, T.V. and so much more..... I learned from my little girl that nostalgia is not lost.  I was writing in my office one night, as I frequently do, and Isabella wanted to know what I was doing.  "Honey!  I am writing your blog, as I have done since 2008!"

"Well, can I see?"  Sure! She spent 3 hours in the office chair next to my desk while I was writing, looking at pictures and reading all of the books.  In AWE.  In SHOCK.  She had no idea that I had been writing for years about her and Giselle.  She is at that age where she appreciates history and understands, especially her own life story.

Isabella reading a BLOG book

It was this moment, that I sat at my computer and felt grateful and blessed.  She was reading each and every page of a blog book about her, Giselle and Baxter.  I initially started the blog for fun and our family, so they could read about the girls and what was going.  I am not one to be consistent with anything, however this is the one thing I have kept up with and am glad I do.  I enjoy writing.

I enjoyed her company in the office while I was quietly writing, listening to Van Morrison, and watching her cry (with joy) as she read these books.

I just received another book in print in the mail and as of now, each girl has 3 books that cover a span of 12 years and I have printed up to July of 2019.  I am all caught up for now!
The newest book we received

The latest book that is 140 pages

So here's to you BIG GIRL - you named these books......  "Remember. Me. Each. And Every Time. Always."  12 years in the making.  I am excited that you and Giselle will have these memorable books with pictures telling your life story.   XOXOXOXOXOX Love, Mom

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