Monday, June 29, 2020

Father's Day

LOOK at these girls!  They dressed up for daddy on Father's Day without being asked to!  Check it out!  Bob enjoyed his Father's Day visiting with his mother and father and loving up on his girls.  Hope you all had a great day as well!

Father's Day 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Mothers Day

How did the time go by and I forgot to post about Mother's Day?  Perhaps because it was the first Mother's Day without my mother.  The firsts are always hard - Birthdays, Mother's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas.  The day just didn't seem right not seeing her beautiful smile or giving her a big HUG.  While I feel a void in my heart, they say it gets easier in time, yet you never forget your memories and what is in your heart.
While I spent Mother's Day out of sorts, my little ones made it a special day for me.  They LOVED UP on my all day long with their sweet gestures, notes and SMILES.  I was even surprised by a homemade card, bottle of wine, a plant and chocolate covered strawberries from my beautiful sister in law (who must of known exactly how I was feeling!).  It was raining that day, so we got to do some much needed relaxation and Bob even made homemade pasta noodles for our beef bolognese!  Thank you Isabella and Giselle for all of YOUR LOVE!!

Missing my Soups!!

A surprise from my sister in law!

Bob's homemade pasta or COVID beard?

The beautiful gifts I received

Every Mother's Day, I ALWAYS request a picture with my GIRLS!

I Love the homemade notes!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...