Friday, January 29, 2021

Report Card Time!

It's been almost one year since the girls started online learning from home.  The world saw a paradigm shift in the education system during the constrains of pandemic.  Despite many challenges during online learning like lack of face-to-face interactions, lack of socialization and distraction by social media, I am proud to say that Giselle and Isabella are doing their best in school with what they have to work with.  

Currently, Isabella goes to school for in person learning on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Mondays, Wednesday and Thursday she stays home and learns online.  Giselle was following the same schedule, however most recently the school contacted us because Giselle was struggling with learning from home.  Giselle now goes to school 4 days a week for in person learning and stays home on Wednesdays to learn online.  Since the transition, Giselle has been much more focused with school and doing much better academically.

Most days when they are learning online, I find them both randomly in different spots around the house and Lily is always with either Isabella or Giselle.  If only Lily could talk and tell me all the cool things she is learning about!  HA!!  And who need to get dressed when you can learn in your jammies? 

I bet your wondering when I am going to get to the grades part?  Here they are!

Isabella's Current Grades
Physical Education = A+
Reading = B-
Language Arts = B
Science = B-
Math = B+
Social Studies = A

Giselle's Current Grades
Language Arts = B+
Math = C+
Music = B
Physical Education = A-
Reading = B
Science = B+
Social Studies = A-
Spelling = C+
Keep up the great job ladies!!

Giselle online learning in the living room

Isabella online learning in her room

First day Isabella got to go to school

First day Giselle got to go to school


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Giselle Turns the Double Digits

Giselle celebrated her 10th birthday this month and is no longer in the single digits!  We always let the kids pick out what they want to eat for dinner and she wanted Popeyes chicken.  She had tenders with fries and a sugary drink.  Afterwards, we celebrated with cake!  She still loves being a jokester, eating sugary treats and gymnastics! 

Happy 10th Birthday Giselle

Popeyes Chicken Dinner

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...