Friday, April 08, 2011

Down to the River to Pray & A Bushel and a Peck

Good music has direct access to the emotions. As such it's a fantastic tool for tweaking our moods. One of the beauties of music is it can accomplish more than one goal at a time. Uplifting music can both divert, entertain and revive. Sad, soulful music can provide solace, encourage mental work and discharge emotions. The examples are endless!
When I was a little girl, there was always music on and I grew to love it. It was comforting to my ears. I have my father to thank for this and it seems I am following in his foot steps of always having music on. Lately, I have been listening to Alison Krauss while giving Isabella a bath or just doing whatever. To my surprise, when I turned it on the other day, she started singing and dancing to one particular song Down to the River to Pray. So I captured her on video somewhat dancing and knowing most of the words.
Meanwhile, back to my mom being an influence. When I was little, she used to sing A Bushel and a Peck to me. I randomly thought of that memory and started singing it to Izzy before bed. The song is rather lengthy and I don't sing the whole song, just this part:

I love you a bushel and peck (I say pack instead of peck)
A bushel and peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep
About you, about you

She loves the song and sometimes even sings it to Bob now. She picks up things fast I tell you.......

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