Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Golfing Adventures with the littles........

 I love it when the golf course opens back up after a long, hard winter.  It is so beautiful and peaceful out there on the course and you can go wherever your mind takes you while your playing.  The three of us could definitely use more lessons but in the meantime, we will still get out there and do our best, enjoy our time together and have fun.


Monday, November 22, 2021

White Sox Game Shenanigans

 Every year, we get lucky and through Bob's work, we receive White Sox tickets to attend a baseball game in April.  While Bob loves the White Sox, we love to go and people watch and eat yummy food.  It was chilly (so chilly we bought a sweatshirt and blanket) when we went this year and we still had to wear our face masks.  None the less, it was a fun time had by all.

Giselle catching some Zzzz's at the game

Yummy pizza!

A Year in Pictures.......

Time sure does fly when your having fun! I realized that while I was busy enjoying and living life that I have neglected this blog since February and it is now November!  Whew!  To make up for lost time, I decided to publish "A Year In Pictures" in which I will highlight moments and memories from 2021.  Below is Easter 2021!  The Easter Bunny surprised Giselle and Isabella with an Easter egg hunt leading to a trampoline, something they had been wanting for years!  That bunny was so clever too, he set up the trampoline behind the barn so it was no where in clear sight until those girls turned the corner.

I took one last picture with each of them in front of their playset that they have had since they were babies....11 years we had it!  I posted it for sale and another family came and got it.  While it took us 5 people and two complete weekends to build this playhouse, it took another family an hour and twenty minutes to take it down.

After all the fun with the Easter Bunny activities, we topped the day off with an Easter celebration at Capital Grille, where we enjoyed a family meal together.
Giselle's LAST SWING on the playset
Bellas LAST photo with the playset
Easter Egg Hunt at the church with the neighbors
Opening their Easter eggs on their new trampoline
Easter Brunch @ Capital Grille

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...