Friday, December 31, 2021

Christmas 2021

Twas a Christmas to remember......  The girls have been asking me for 2 years now for another puppy.  Bob and I discussed it and decided to add another addition to the family for Giselle as a Christmas gift.  I have been following a breeder recommended to me by a very close friend for months and when I saw that they had a "mini" goldendoodle available, I didn't miss a beat.  I put down a deposit and set up a date to make that 9 hour drive to Iowa to get Jasper.  But then, two days later, I woke up and with coffee saw his sister Sophia and she was so stinking cute!! 

I immediately showed her to Bob and he said NO MORE DOGS SANDY.  And then the next day I woke up and saw their brother Jack.  What are the odds that you can have multiple dogs from the same litter?  And how often in your lifetime will that happen? It's like once in a lifetime right?  My thoughts exactly.  Our Christmas was magical needless to say.  The girls received a surprise of a lifetime, Bob received a surprise of his own and we had a yummy prime rib dinner.  MY HEART IS FULL.  I never came home with Jack.  Someone scooped him out from under me at the last minute.  HOWEVER, I believe in FATE.  As I type this blog, I am ecstatic to share with you that Jack's family backed out on him.  I am leaving on Tuesday to make that 9 hour drive to pick him up so he can be with his brother and sister and we will have 4 dogs!!!  Lily, Sophia (Giselle changed her name to Chloe), Jasper, and Jack.  

Jack, Jasper and Sophia - all siblings from the same litter


Sophia and Jasper coming home

Opening their puppies on Christmas Eve

Bobs FACE when he realized it was TWO puppies instead of one but couldn't say anything because he was taking a video, so he just bit his lip

Their FIRST photo with Sophia and Jasper

Bobs homemade Christmas dinner

Jack (who is coming home next Tuesday!)



Me and Lily


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