Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chanel No. 5

Did you know that the part of the brain the detects scent forms early in fetal development, and a baby gets exposed to lots of different aromas in the amniotic fluid? By the time a baby is born, his or her sense of smell is keen! A mother's scent is very calming to the baby and brings comfort.
My mother's signature scent is Chanel No. 5. She wore it the entire time we were growing up and every time I smell that perfume, it brings a smile to my face, I take a deep breath in and go Ahhhhh...... She probably has NO clue that this scent brings back fun childhood memories and is comforting. I thought it was just me, but in a recent conversation with my sister, I was telling her that Bob had bought me a bottle of Chanel No. 5 and it smells like mom when I spray it on myself. She laughed and told me she has not smelled it in years, however the other day when she was walking down the street, a woman passed her and had that perfume on. Dawn stopped and stuck her nose up in the air just to breathe the perfume in for a minute and smiled.
Dawn loves Chanel No. 5 just as much as I do, and what my mother does not know is that we both have bought the perfume at one point in time or another just to remind us of her and recreate fun memories. My mom always wonders what Dawn and I talk about because we are so close, and this is just one of the random conversations we have. About her, memories and Chanel No. 5.
I wonder what scent will comfort Izzy and remind her of mom.

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