Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baxie's in Business again

Last Saturday morning, I woke up and Bob was not in the bed next to me. I rolled over to the other side to see him standing over me. And do you want to know what I got? I didn't get a GOOD MORNING, happy Saturday Sandy - I got SANDY our computer is DONE for good and all of your pictures are gone. Great, I think, I have not even had my morning coffee yet (which I want to add that before bob, i despised coffee, NEVER even touched it!) and he tells me this news. Anybody who knows me, knows that I love my morning java with a quick check of the weather, my e-mail, sometimes I throw a blog in and on to the shower I go. Everyone has a morning routine. Well, that's mine. So this is my heartbreaking Saturday news. I was depressed all weekend. I drank my coffee Saturday and Sunday morning but I sat there and stared at Bob like - what do I do with myself? I burned through all of my magazines, cleaned, organized, but I still felt empty. Five years of an extensive photo library GONE. And I love pictures - they say pictures are worth a thousand words - I think they are that plus a thousand memories. All this history created between Bob and I, our families, vacations, holidays, our dogs, GONE. Luckily, I am organized and printed all of them out and put in photo albulms.
I'm whining about my pictures because I faithfully used my photo library EVERYDAY and loved it. Now it's gone. I had all of these grand ideas and pictures to post for the blog.
Thankfully, I look at each challenge in life as an opportunity in some way, shape or form and also a NEW beginning. Moving forward, I have a better method of backing up my photo library. Now I'm sitting in bed, in my p.j.'s with Baxie next to me. It took me all of 5 minutes to plug this new laptop into the wall - take a picture of Baxie and load it up! I figured it out without spending half of the night lost in an instruction manual. Things are so user friendly these days..... I'm like a kid in a candy store right now, just minus my photo library.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I'm catching up on your blogs, sorry to hear about your loss of pics. You should buy an external hard drive - you can get a Seagate 500 GB drive for around $100. The drive has software that it will install on your computer and it will automatically backup your documents and pictures for you on a daily schedule at a time you choose. Chances of both hard drive failing (external and laptop) at the same time is rare. That's what I have set up at home especially since I am archiving old family pictures. I have scannned at least 5000 old family pics since last may and I don't want to ever lose all that work. Just an idea to protect your memories moving forward. i hope everything is going well!



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