Thursday, December 18, 2008


In the last year, I have become infatuated with clown snakes. This is coming from a girl who has NEVER really collected anything in her life (other than pictures). My mother gave me a light blue one last year and I couldn't have been more excited. I guess I like them because they look different or maybe it's because it's fun to say CLOWN SNAKE!! Story has it as - when Christopher Radko was 22, he placed his family’s Christmas tree in a new kind of stand. Unfortunately, it was not sturdy enough, and the Radko Christmas tree came crashing to the ground, smashing nearly 2000 vintage ornaments. Some had been in his family for four generations. This sounds like something I would do!!

Devastated, Radko began to search for replacements of the ornaments he had destroyed. He found a glass blower in Poland who agreed to make some from the sketches he had made from memory. Radko ornaments became highly collectible and continue to be popular today, 25 years after Radko ruined his family’s ornament collection. And that is why he became who he is today.

I recently bid on THREE clown snakes on e-bay, but I LOST. It was my first time bidding and everyone laughed at me and said I TOLD YOU SO. What can I say? At the moment that I lost, I learned the game of ebay. They are not found in stores anymore, as they are retired ornaments and only so many were created. BIG BUMMER. Why couldn't I have developed this infatuation sooner before this ornament RETIRED?!! Seriously, people are supposed to retire - right??! Not ornaments!

I just got a package from my sister in Cali. I talked to her that night, and she told me there was something in the box I could open before x-mas. I had strep throat with fever and the last thing I wanted to do was tackle a taped up box. It probably would of kicked my you know what. She kept telling me she didn't want me to get all hyped up only to be let down. We laughed and I told her I would wait to open up the "reindeer christmas towels" or the santa soap dispenser for the bathroom.

I took a shower and put on my jammies, but I couldn't stop thinking - WHAT WAS INSIDE THE BOX?? I called her, and opened it on the phone with her. To my surprise and JOY, it was a PINK CLOWN SNAKE. I was shocked. Speechless. Grateful. Appreciative. Happy. At that moment, I just wanted to reach through the phone and wrap my arms around her and give her the biggest hug I had in me at that possible time. WHY? Because. My mother gave her a clown snake too and here she was, turning it over to me because she knew I would appreciate and cherish it. Thanks piggitz - that is UNCONDITIONAL love right there - it's like throwing your coat over a puddle on a rainy day!

To date, I own three clown snakes (I finally got one on e-bay yesterday! Thanks for the tip soupy.) and if it takes me the rest of my life, I will collect enough to decorate a small tree - with CLOWN SNAKES ONLY............

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