Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Reindeer Games

Every once in a while, I try to sneak in a blog about random things - even though this blog is dedicated to Izzy and Baxie. Do you find that sometimes people say the most random things and you are left going.....what???!!!! What did that person just say???!! Well, today, I would like to note those thoughts. All too recently, my mother is getting ready for breakfast and she says out of the blue..."I think I will go change." I am going to put some clothes on. Now here is the random saying: I don't cook eggs in my housecoat......
I was like, WHAT, did you REALLY just say that you don't cook eggs in your housecoat? I mean, I am not Dr. Seuss here, but I personally, can cook eggs in my jammies or in my bathing suit. So I found this statement to be absolutely hilarious : )

Next up, I was in the kitchen with my sister. She has the job of chopping up everything for the salad. I look over and tell her what a good "chopper" she is. And she SAYS..."I find chopping to be very theraputic." And here I am, a person who HATES to chop things up (I am scared of knives and glass), thinking HOW in the world can you possibly find CHOPPING theraputic?? Now, everytime I am somewhat chopping up items in the kitchen for a salad or homemade soup, I think of Dawn. Perhaps she could chop up all my veggies or items for all of the soups I make!!!

Last up is Elad. He is known for his knack of words.

Betty Jean is too, maybe this is where he gets it from. BUT it is absolutely hilarious and is sure to be a crowd pleaser. For example, Betty Jean says OHARA but she really means O'Hare airport. One day, we had a two hour debate about "crab" grass and "quack" grass. I kept telling Betty Jean - the crab grass is taking over your flower beds and she kept saying NO, it's the quack grass. So I asked her, are you quacking up? ITS CRAB GRASS.....come to find out, we are BOTH right!! You can use either terminolgy! Elad says cow circle when it is really cul de sac. And the random mix up of words between Betty Jean and Elad goes on....and it always makes you laugh.

Finally, there are the REINDEER games.... and it is getting close to that time of the year again. where the reindeer games begin.... Every year, for the past couple of years, the Byrne's and the Vail's have made a christmas deal or no deal where you HAVE TO make a homemade gift for one another. You are not allowed to buy a christmas gift. Last year, I was not on top of my homemade gift/craft. Want to know what I did? I made a homemade concrete stepping stone for their back yard. Exciting, right? Well, if you have never worked with concrete, it's not so exciting. You only have so many minutes to pour it, mold it, shape it. This was my first time working with concrete, so you can only imagine what it turned out to look like. Did I mention that I had to pay to ship a block of conrete to California after I was done trying to mold, shape and make it?? WHO does that?

I believe I made one for Elad and Soupy as well. I think they felt sorry for my lack of homemade crafting skills and put it in their walkway in Florida. Maybe I feel sorry for them now because when they have visitors that walk through their yard, their visitors point to my concrete stepping stone and GO...WHAT is that??!!! One of these days I will get the crafting projects, just like I finally won the pumpkin contest.

This year, I made some awesome homemade crafts. I invested some quality time, creativity and effort. Most importantly, I honed in on my "presentation skills." What is a gift without a nice presentation?

So far, the REINDEER games platter made by the BYRNES is my favorite homemade christmas craft that warms the heart. It displays thought, creativity and fun for the whole family. It features a favorite holiday - St. Patty's Day, Christmas, and a trip to Palm Springs that includes a funny guy that will never be forgotten.

I wouldn't change any of the above, because it is the small things in life that make me crack up laughing : ) So thanks to the jokers above!

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