Thursday, December 04, 2008

Who doesn't love a bargain?

A few months back, I was driving to lunch and I see a big sign that reads "GARAGE SALE." I am a sucker for these things. Garage Sale, Thrift Stores, Flea Markets. What do they say....? One man's junk is another man's treasure??

So, I slam on the brakes, whip the car around and head to it. I pull up and do "the scope" - you know, the drive by of garage sales where you scope out the goods before you decide if its worth getting out of the car for? I see that she has a whole driveway of baby toys, cribs, high chairs. Being a new mom, I figure WHY NOT. We don't need anymore clutter, but if there is something good, Izzy would be sure to love it.

I see this big car in the driveway that does everything but drive itself. It has toys, it rattles, the steering wheel moves, the horn honks, it bounces, it's colorful. I have NO IDEA what I would do with this huge thing if I were to get it. I walk past the keeper of the garage sale and she says make a deal on anything if you like it. ALRIGHT....I think....DEAL OR NO DEAL... I walk past the car again and it says $15. I ask her if she will take $10 and she says YES. I fork over the $10 and throw this huge thing in the car. Bob is going to kill me. On to lunch I go. After Bob scarfs down his cheeseburger, I tell him and he laughs at me. Meanwhile, I get on the phone and tell my mom I have bought something and it is in her basement, can I keep it there? She says yes before I tell her its a huge car. DONE DEAL!

Izzy absolutely LOVES it. Everyone is happy. They say that these kinds of toys are for babies 4 months and up - when the baby is able to hold their head up on their own. I put her in it, stuffed a blanket around her for support and she instantly lit up like a Christmas tree.......

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