Monday, March 30, 2009

Let It Go....

I get this weekly update on babies and where your child should be for his/her age. Most recently, Izzy has been trying to grab for the spoon and the bowl while I feed her. I resist. For the sheer fact that I don't want food all over her, the walls, the floor. I read the update. It says to let your little one have the spoon and GO FOR IT. It allows them to learn independance. WOW! Really hard to do, I instantly freak out and think of mess everywhere. I think back to a picture of myself when i was little, my mom baked me a cake - set it in front of me - and i buried my face in it. I had chocolate all over the high chair, my clothes, my face and the picture didn't display this - but perhaps it was all over the walls too...... I let go while cowboy was walking the dog - he came back and said SANDY - there is food everywhere and I said YEAH THERE IS.... slowly, but surely, I am learning, to be a little more relaxed, and just let it go....everything doesn't always have to be so neat, organized and planned out.

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