Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Almost at the 7 month mark! Seems like just yesterday big girl was kicking in my stomach. Now she is almost crawling, eating sweet potatos, peas, carrots, and green beans. Today, cowboy bob looked at me and said - I don't see a baby anymore when I look at Isabella - I see a little girl - I was like BOB!! Don't rush it! But he is right. Over the weekend, we had to go shopping and buy 18 month and 24 month old outfits for a 6 1/2 month old!! How can that be possible? Is it because she is so long? Maybe?!! In any case, I remember when we were kids - and the time just seemed to go by so slowly. Our parents always used to talk about how FAST time flies by. NOW, for the first time, I get it. Time flies by really quickly and I guess if you blink - you just might miss it! OR you can savour the moment...

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