Friday, April 17, 2009

Izzy's First Tooth

When a baby begins teething, there is no set pattern on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. Her bottom teeth are coming in and it looks like she is right on schedule according to the experts.

6 to 7 months
Two central bottom & Two central top teeth.

7 to 9 months
Two more incisors
Top & bottom; making four top & four bottom teeth in all.

10 to 14 months
First molars
Double teeth for chewing

15 to 18 months
The pointed teeth or “fangs”

2 to 3 years
Second molars
The second set of double teeth at the back

Big girl is in a bit of pain - not sleeping, drooling, runny nose and irritable. We are trying to make her feel better and take the pain away. Here is a picture of Izzy with her Elmo toothbrush and paste from Grams & Gramps V.

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