Wednesday, June 10, 2009

9 Months??!!

Isabella Marie had her 9 month check up yesterday with the doctor and weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches long! Isabella also started crawling today and is chasing Baxie to his amazement. In fact, he runs to the other corner of the house and just sits there. You can tell he does not like this part. While baxie is getting older, Izzy is getting faster. There used to be a rivalry in the house about the Cubs vs. The White Sox but perhaps now it could be shifting to IZZY VS. BAXIE.....

Only time will tell, but I know, deep down inside, they love each other. She smiles everytime she sees him and crawls after him around the house. Every morning, he hears her waking up while I am pouring my cup of coffee. He walks down the hallway, pushes his nose against her bedroom door to open it, walks over to her crib and jumps up. She rolls over, smiles and goes AHHHHHHH. After he sees her, he goes to the living room and waits for me to bring her out of the bedroom, only to come and sit by her.

Everytime she eats, he is there by her side, waiting patiently for anything, something to fall from the high chair. I feed her crackers, she holds them out to Baxie and smiles at him. He takes them....
Perhaps for now, they are both just playing hard to get!

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