Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To You My Sweet Friend

for always listening. for laughing. for crying. for sharing treasured moments with family and friends. for loving up on Isabella. for venting with one another after a tough days work. for sharing a cocktail now and then. for being thoughtful. for gossiping. for sharing yummy foods together. for giving advice. for being sympathetic. and for learning.

For sharing secrets - most recently - I confessed to Monica that I can't really remember anything unless I write about it or take a picture. She always thought I was being "anal" with trying to plan and coordinate everything - but that wasn't the case. She learned that I have 4 different calendars, make daily and weekly lists of things to accomplish, blog frequently and take lots of pictures. What happened in my childhood? I don't always remember, ask Piggy she remembers everything. I make detailed photo albums with names and dates. Why? Because I forget....everything....unless I make a reminder. I am good at documenting, visualizing and referencing - not necessarily verbalizing.

I am 30 something not 60 and am supposed to have a mind of a whipper snapper - if that is such a word. And it's been this way my whole life. My good friend convinces me weekly that I have A.D.D....... At the end of day, I just smile at her for it is all about timing in life. And right now, it feels good because we are at the right place, at the right time....TOGETHER and we can relate. Gracia's Senorita!

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