Monday, June 15, 2009

WHY is my dog not SOCIAL?

It's a beautiful sunshine day in Chicago and almost 80 degrees. Perfect for a nice walk with Baxter. I ride my bike home from work, scoop him up and we are off to a date in the dog park! YA HOOO...
I get there and there is over 10 people there and at least 9 dogs and I think to myself - doesn't anyone work - it is 3:40 p.m.! DOGS GALORE everywhere. The dogs sniff each other out and I stroll to the chair to pop a squat and work a crossword puzzle or two and talk to the woman sitting next to me. Well, Baxie goes by the entrance of the fence and just sits there. All the other dogs are playing TOGETHER. I call my dog back. He comes and sits by me under the chair. Cool - maybe I can attempt to figure this puzzle out on such a nice day (I just want to remind you the whole reason I went to the dog park was for him to mingle). 2.5 seconds later I snap out of my crosswords and I hear some lady saying - Is that your DOG running down the street? Boy do I feel like a winner for doing crosswords...
I BOLT LIKE LIGHTNING....down the street I go - 3 other men are chasing him - he is running home and some dumb @#$ left the gate of the dog park open. All the other dogs continue to play and mine runs out.
Point is - I take Baxie to the dog park to play with other dogs and he does one of two things - either lays by me OR sits by the entrance/exit. I keep taking him there and trying, but I think he just likes to "BE BY" and I totally understand.

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