Thursday, September 10, 2009

The "Monkey" on Her Back

Isabella found a new friend and she won't let him leave her back. For her birthday on Sunday, she received a monkey backpack. I have to say, it was the one present she went "BANANAS" over - as soon as she reached her hand in the bag - she pulled the monkey out and got a big smile on her face!! Then she gave it a big hug as if it were her long lost friend??!!
Today is Thursday. She wakes up in the morning, and wants the monkey strapped on to her back. She goes to bed, and wants to sleep with it. She has not stopped wearing it since she got it!
On another note, today was her one year old doctor's visit where she received 4 shots in the arm. (Ouch) She weighed in at 23 pounds. Doc said she looks great and is super cute.

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