Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Dominican Republic

Bob and I packed it up for Thanksgiving week and headed to the Dominican Republic for some rest and relaxation with Isabella. The only thing we couldn't take was Baxie. Our days were filled with sunshine (100 degrees plus), palm trees, friendly people, great food, sand, the ocean, and each other.
Too often enough, we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Working. Fixing dinner. Running errands. Somewhere in there, we forget to take time out and breathe. Enjoy. Spend time with our families. Smile.
For one week, we got to spend some quality time with Isabella. The best week, by far, we ever spent. She loved the freedom of running around endlessly every day (not just the living room) and being with her mom and dad. In turn, we learned a great deal about her - more than just an hour at night each week or a few hours on the weekend! Everyone we encountered spoke Spanish - and now Izzy greets you with HO LA - which is hello in Spanish.
She laughed. She swam. She wore less clothes and loved it. She napped. She smiled from ear to ear. She played. And we - soaked it all up like a sponge. They are only this little once - and time goes by too quick for all of us!
We missed our families while we were away and are happy to be home!!

1 comment:

  1. I just got teary-eyed reading this! I love that you guys went and did this. Memories for a lifetime. ;)

    This is Heather, Heather Miller, I have no idea how to post a comment with a URL, I be challanged!


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