Thursday, December 17, 2009

If there is ANYTHING that one person can't stand...

It's CLUTTER!! Last weekend, I set out on a mission to go through Izzy's toys and armoire and weed out what isn't well liked or what doesn't fit anymore. I learned the hard way, that it is best to clean out the clutter when one is sleeping...there was lots of fussiness and crying...and I couldn't seem to understand why!! I mean everything was EVERYWHERE - Why wouldn't she be happy to play? But as she watched me put toys and clothes in bins, she cryed and pulled them out. Later, I read that it is best to go through toys when they are down - so it is not such a "traumatic" experience. Say what??!!
The end result? Bob is no longer a frantic mess that everything is under destruction and 6 bins later - there is less toys and the clothes that don't fit anymore are put away.
For this weekend, it is on to the "storage" area up above the bathroom. Everyone makes new years resolutions and they almost always include to be better organized and neat. I plan on beating the clutter BEFORE the new year. We can wake up on New Year's Day and go will, without a doubt, be BLISS!
P.S. Piggy - Do you see your favorite lying on the floor in front? I am mailing your sexy friend to YOU : )

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