Thursday, December 17, 2009

Will she be A PEEKER?

I am a peeker. I don't mean to be, I guess I just am. Example A: Bob comes home from out of town, comes through the front door and SAYS DON'T LOOK. So I guess, because he said DON'T LOOK, I look to see what bags he is carrying in his hand. Does it count that I don't know what is IN those bags? Does that make me a true PEEKER? PEEKER. What a fun word! Almost sounds bad. PEEKER. PEEKER. PEEKER!
This morning, I am doing laundry and he says DON'T GO in my closet. So I don't, because I KNOW if I do....i will be tempted to be a peeker and actually see if I can see anything on the top of those bags. I would NEVER go through the bags though...that would ruin the surprise....RIGHT??!! right.. Are you a PEEKER or are you just observant? I wonder what Iz kid will be. Because she is so CURIOUS...i bet she will be..yep, you guessed it... A PEEKER.....

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