Saturday, January 02, 2010

Fantasy Kingdom

This morning, Isabella and I ventured off to Fantasy Kingdom to meet Kim, Isabella, Renee and Emmett! The philosophy behind Fantasy Kingdom’s success is learning through play. Kids are allowed to create their own fun and drive their learning where they can let their imaginations run wild!

They offers slides, age-appropriate toys and plenty of room for kids to stretch out. Perfect for winter time in Chicago when it is only 2 degrees outside! Time spent at Fantasy Kingdom allows kids to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. Kids learn to express themselves through simple actions like taking turns and sharing. Through these acts, children learn patience and consideration and these small steps are the foundation for raising conscientious, thoughtful and happy children!
Isabella played until she couldn't play anymore - from 10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. She must have went down the slide at least 20 something times all by herself. I just stayed at the bottom and watched her climb up and come down. I have a feeling that some little girl is going to LOVE roller coasters (YES!!) when she gets older. I had so much fun watching her SMILE all day. Play with other little ones. Dress up. Smile some more. Ride in a car. Push around the shopping cart.

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