Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Year SHOULD = New Attitude By All...

Can you believe we are in 2010? Where does the time go? While most take this time to make resolutions, my thoughts wonder to this: Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the FOUNDATION for all abundance. The fact is: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world. You are withholding it because deep down you think you are small (perhaps) and that you have nothing to give.
Try this for a couple of weeks and see how it CHANGES your reality: Whatever you think people are withholding from you - whether it be praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, money, and so on - GIVE IT TO THEM!!! You don't think you have it in you? TRY IT TODAY! Just act as if you had it, and it will COME!! Then, soon after you start giving, you will start RECEIVING!
The take home message here is this: You cannot RECEIVE what you do not GIVE. OUTFLOW determines INFLOW!!
Cheers to 2010 to all of our family and friends - may it be LOTS of open communication, HUGS, KISSES, LAUGHTER, going above and BEYOND, reaching your goals, and most importantly - BEING THERE for one another! We LOVE you all!!! XOXOX Thank you for being YOU!!!

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