Friday, January 29, 2010

The results are in

I called Izzy's allergist doctor today and we had a very pleasant, lengthy conversation about Isabella's food allergies and what to do moving forward. I am very thankful that he is patient and took so much time and care to explain everything to me so that I have a better understanding of her current situation. The results from her blood work came in this week and it shows that she has the highest allergy to EGGS and the second highest is MILK. I was surprised to learn that her scores were higher in the egg department rather than the milk. She still has an allergy to rice and soy, however they are a bit lower.
He referred me to two nutritionists who will instruct us on Izzy's nutrition plan for the near future. I called and talked with both nutritionist, but they do not accept our health insurance. My third call was to Aetna (our health insurance) - to see exactly what would be covered out of network and what we will be financially responsible for with the nutritionist. The last thing you want is a big medical bill before you know what you are getting into. It just takes a phone call....
Meanwhile, while I am waiting for the health insurance company to get back to me on costs, the allergist gave me a prescription for an EPIPEN Jr. (Epinephrine auto injector) in which I will get filled on Monday and carry around at all times as he instructed. If Izzy is to have a severe allergic reaction to eggs or milk, I (or others) are to put the needle into thigh through the skin, push the plunger down all the way and remove. If the pen is needed, after it is administered, Izzy is to go to the emergency room immediately and stay for at least 4 hours to be monitored and treated. Symptoms that would call for an EPIPEN Jr. to be administered would include swollen tongue, shortness of breath, hacking cough, and the list goes on. All other reactions call for 1 tsp. of benadryl.
She is 16 months old now, he advised to get her tested again at age 2 - which is not too far away. She may outgrow these allergies between now and then which would mean, no more special formula, no more special foods and no EPIPEN jr!! I have a good feeling that our big girl is going to OUTGROW all of this business real soon!!

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