Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Over the Memorial day weekend, Izzy and Bax went on a little field trip to beautiful Galena. We packed up the car with goodies and we were off like a dirty shirt! Galena always offers rolling hills, scenic roads and historic charm that revitalizes your spirit!
Iz kid wasn't feeling her greatest, as she had an ear infection but we decided to brave it and make the best of the getaway. At one point, as you will see in the picture - she wore a shirt that said HOT MAMA. What it should have said is HOT STICKY MESS MAMA!! While she slept and rested often and in between the crying and runny diapers, we went to a petting zoo, checked out a blues concert, a disney concert and hit the park.
Our favorite was watching her with the animals. She LOVED the goat and baby goats. There was a pig, a horse, a pony, a rooster, and a couple of other furry friends. I found it interesting that the husband that was running the petting zoo told me that his wife bottle fed ALL OF the animals. There were 5 baby goats there that were only 3 days old. That had to be a handful. And the wife that bottle fed all of them or currently does? All I have to say about her is compassionate, kind, caring, loving, patient and my list of good words could go on about her!
So here are a few pictures from the weekend: Isabella and Daddy walking together. Dancing with the group at the Disney concert (she was the smallest and youngest there). Enjoying popcorn! The goat!

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