Monday, June 14, 2010

Their NEW Home

Isabella and Baxter have a new home to roam and run until their hearts content. They couldn't be more happy! Baxie runs and runs and runs with a big SMILE on his face and Isabella roams like a child without a care in the world. I, on the other hand have torn feelings about leaving Chi town. I am excited to have more space, have a backyard to call our own, to garden, to mow grass, to drive my car, to use a chain saw, to have a cup of coffee and read the paper on the deck and the list is endless!

But Bye Bye concrete jungle...bye bye city after my own heart. I am going to miss riding my bike to and from work every morning and evening - which took me all of 5 minutes. I am going to miss my weekend trips alone to Stanley's fruit and vegetable market and the fish market - the same places my father took me to often when I was a little girl. Now that I think about it, it was my very first trip into the city with dad that did me in. The first time I saw that beautiful Chicago skyline, my heart melted and when I bit into that Chicago style hot dog - well - I have been hooked ever since.
Truth is, I have lived in this city on and off for 11 years now. That is a big chunk of my life spent in the city! And now, I am leaving. No more morning runs along the beautiful lakefront or walking out our front door and hitting grant park, navy pier or a baseball game. The trains, the buses, the noise, the excitement, the food (any kind of cuisine within 20 minutes), the adventure, the nightlife, the diversity of all the different people and lastly - the beautiful architecture.
I am trading it all in to watch Baxie smile as he runs. To watch Isabella smell flowers and chase Baxie.
As for me, I just want to hang a big sign up that says WELCOME TO SUBURBIA. Welcome to crappy food. Welcome to Walmart! (I am joking here!) HA!

Who knows, maybe I will finally start that cooking blog that I have been meaning to get going and rock out a zillion new recipes. Maybe I will take joy in watching a bird go in and out of a bird house. Maybe I will learn to like listening to the birdies instead of sirens.
Most importantly, I look forward to creating new memories and adventures with my family! But in my HEART......I will always LOVE the city of CHICAGO..... and the hotdogs!

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