Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Art Work and More.....

So recently since Isabella started preschool, she has been coming home with different "projects" everyday. Mostly artwork and some letter and number something or others. I decided to put them in a pile and save them for her for when she is older and can look back at her work. Which brings me to my next quandary.
Interestingly enough, my father came by over the weekend and brought me a basket of goodies. In that basket, was an old manila envelope. Well, guess what was in it? I peeked in it and it was things from when I was a little girl. I decided to tackle that basket later. Well, today was the day that I sat down and opened that envelope when I came home from work and before I decided to fertilize the lawn.
Being in my thirties, I thought it was pretty neat that my mother had saved all of that stuff from when I was little. I felt special, happy and confused all at the same time. Artwork, report cards, math equations and writing samples. I had to laugh when I saw the box checked that said "played and/or daydreamed while working time." I showed it to Bob, and he laughed too. I think we all catch ourselves daydreaming now and then, but it appears that I got busted alot as a little girl doing just that.

The things you draw or do when you are a little boy or girl.

But here I am, almost 4 hours after looking through that envelope feeling perturbed.
Now that I have looked at that stuff and I enjoyed looking at it.....WHAT on earth am I supposed to do with it? Am I supposed to put it back in the envelope and store it away somewhere until ????? Or do I recycle my goods from when I was a little girl? Am I supposed to save it and let Izzy look/go through it someday? Bob says save it, it doesn't take up any room. But then what?
It seems that I don't know what to do about quite a few things....like my wedding dress. Bob told me to save it. Why? It is just in my closet collecting dust. Someone could wear it and get use out of it! And what about all of the photographs that were taken before married life. Do you save those, or do you throw those away because you started a new life?
I am going to continue to save all of Isabella's goodies, but I wonder if she will feel the same way someday as I do today.
I don't remember doing any of that artwork from when I was little. What I do remember is laughs, smiles and memories that were created with those that love me and those that I love.

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