Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And there it was.....

the answer to why Baxie was so crazy. He wasn't laying across my belly several times in the night staring at me because he was protecting the baby in my belly. It wasn't because he was freaked out by the ghosts Bob thinks we have in our house.
It wasn't because he had to go to the bathroom.
It was a baby bunny killing massacre. And Baxie was guilty. As I walked in the backyard with Isabella after school, smack dab in the middle of the backyard, there they were. Isabella looked down and said "bunny and buggie." The flies were all over. The hole was almost empty and the evidence was everywhere like someone had taken a stick of dynamite and blew up a hole filled with baby bunnies.
There Baxie stood - next to Isabella - almost proud of "his work."
So Bob comes home from work and I tell him there is a "situation" in the back yard that he needs to take care of. Notice my new word "situation." I use that when there is a problem that needs to be addressed asap. As our third wedding anniversary approaches, this proves to be yet another day in our marriage where the conversation is ALWAYS interesting, entertaining OR exciting - read on:
Bob: What's up
Sandy: I need you to go in the backyard and clean up Baxie's killing spree. Come with me and I will show you.
(Both walk over to the "situation.")
Bob: Oh, Bunnies?
Sandy: Yes, bunnies Bob.
Bob: Well, what do you want me to do?
Sandy: I want you to get rid of the bunnies so Baxie doesn't continue to nibble on them and possibly get sick or so Isabella doesn't pick up the dead bunnies and play with them or so when you are mowing the grass, you don't run over and blood and guts go shooting out the side of the lawn mower.
Bob: Well, what am I supposed to use?
Sandy: (Staring at Bob) Well, you can use a shovel to scoop them up or my garden gloves. We don't have a shovel, so I will go get my garden gloves for you.
Bob: That's gross. What do I do with them then?
Sandy: You can put them in the garbage can outside of the garage.
Bob: Nasty. The garbage is going to stink.
Sandy: Bob, it's a garbage can with a lid and garbage cans stink. Besides, garbage pick up is tomorrow night.
Bob: Good point (as he puts garden gloves on). Looks at me and says: Do you have a box or something I can put it in?
Sandy: WHAT??!!! Are you kidding me? Just put in the garbage can AS IS. You don't need a BOX!!!!
Bob: There has to be a box around here somewhere.
Sandy: (walks away to the garage) HERE, I found a brown paper bag. Will that work for you?
Bob: Yes, great. Inserts the "situation" in the brown paper bag and throws away. Throws off garden gloves. Walks in house and immediately washes hands.

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