Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Isabella Marie Turns 2 Years Old

On Monday, September 6, 2010, Isabella was fortunate enough to celebrate her birthday with all of her family (as always, we miss you Dawn, Mark, Syd, Bo & Theo)! This year, she was in to Mickey Mouse - that is before she fell in love with Little Einstein's, so we made her MM cupcakes and a small cake. Last year, she didn't even touch her cake. This year, she just wanted to know what Mickey Mouse was doing on top. Maybe next year she will bury her face in the cake.
As for the terrible two's they say kids have - I don't think Bob and I have experienced that to much with little Izzy. She has been a good girl so far and is full of lots of smiles.
Thank you to all of you for making her birthday so special - being there, all the goodies and making her smile and laugh. She loves YOU ALL!! XOXOXOXOX

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