Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Izzy Busy

Grandpa Dale gave Izzy a tigger ball and boy has she been busy with it! She loves to play catch with mommy and daddy and carry it around with her everywhere. I caught her in this picture on the move!
On another note, Isabella is adjusting to school very well. This week, marks a month that she has been attending and it also marks the first week she didn't cry walking in through the doors. I sometimes wonder if she misses Grace or thinks about her, but I don't bring her name up and either does Izzy.
I have noticed that her vocabulary has increased and she is formulating more sentences. My FAVORITE is when I tell her I love her....and she says in her sweet little voice "I love you too mommy." I want to bottle that up and keep it forever.
Pretty soon, big girl has a birthday coming up and will be 2!

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