Wednesday, September 08, 2010

What is wrong in this picture?

At 4:48 a.m., I opened the refrigerator to get my coffee creamer out. Without my first cup of coffee and at first glance, I thought it was normal to see "my little pony" in the refrigerator next to the yogurt. After I closed the door - I said WAIT A MINUTE!! That pony is NOT supposed to go in the refrigerator!!! And then I laughed to myself.
I opened the door and snapped a photo. Priceless! I left him in the refrigerator just in case she is looking for it later. Besides, my little pony could be protecting the ribs.
Lately, this is not the only thing Izzy is putting in random places. Over the weekend, she took off with the computer mouse and now I can't locate it. Last week, it was her cherished bear that she sleeps with - she took it and put it somewhere and we couldn't find it for a whole week. She asked for it everyday, I searched the entire house and couldn't find it. This past weekend, she stormed into the bathroom and said LOOK - IT'S BEAR! She found him somewhere - who knows where.
Two weeks ago, it was the red and black buttons off of grandpa's power washer. Those disappeared too. But thankfully, we found those.
And then...there is the rocking horse. I keep him on the table in the living room. Everyday, she takes him off of the table and puts him next to the chair on the floor in a completely different room. She must want him there.
Could this be the beginning to lifetime of not knowing where things are? We shall see what is in store.

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