Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Halloween and Trick or Treating

Isabella dressed up as a fairy this year for Halloween and it was her first time trick or treating since she was a baby and we had to carry her door to door. She put her costume on along with Bax - her furry friend wore a nice warm, bright pumpkin sweater and down the street they went. Baxie scored a few dog treats along the way for his handsome sweater and Izzy scored a bucket full of candy. Only thing is, we practiced and practiced with her to say TRICK OR TREAT when the door opened but when the time came, the door opened and Isabella just stood and stared at the person with their bowl of candy. I tried, as each door opened to get her to say TRICK OR TREAT, but she didn't budge. We even practiced what to say in between houses.
One can only try. I think next year she will for sure get Halloween and really be in to the tricks and the treats! Till next year!!

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