Monday, November 29, 2010

Isabella decorates the Christmas tree for the very first time


On Sunday morning, I woke up and told Bob that we should go and buy a Christmas tree. Anybody who knows me, knows that for me to say these words - well it's almost like hell freezing over. Christmas is my LEAST favorite holiday! Bob was shocked and happily took me out to pick out a tree. We brought it home, put it up together and Iz kid joined in on the decorating. She was grabbing ornaments out of the boxes and hanging them on the tree. She especially liked hanging the bears on the stairs. All the while, she kept saying CHRISTMAS TREE CHRISTMAS TREE CHRISTMAS TREE.
We will never forget the year that we went out, bought a tree for our first house together while 9 months pregnant and decorated it with little Iz - 2 years old. Priceless.
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