Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hungry Hungry HIPPO

is a game of four hippos that try to eat as many marbles as they can--as fast as they can. As I was walking through a new thrift store with Monike, it caught my eye and I just had to get it so we all could play together. I am a sucker for board games. Love to play em and play with others. Score. Only $1.50! I tried it out at breakfast this morning and Isabella LOVED it. I think Bob enjoyed it too.
This game is fast-paced and riotous for kids who get to take turns popping a white marble into the ring, then furiously pressing on their hippo's levered tail to catch the prize. Utter mayhem ensues, and whoever snares the most marbles wins. If only it would get kids to clean their plates as well as those pudgy hippos do!

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