Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Giselle Talks...

Maternity leave from work is bittersweet. The first month, you and your family spend your days getting adjusted to the new addition. The lack of sleep and your brain not functioning as best as it should. The second month proves to be a bit better. You become accustomed to the lack of sleep and you slip right in to your new schedule.
Then, the "firsts" happen. Lately, baby G has been smiling and laughing away. Not to mention coooo ing!
By the third month, you are just getting into your groove, and it's time to go back to work. While I have not reached the third month yet, I am enjoying my time at home with baby g. She has been smiling and making all sorts of sounds. And quite frankly, I think it is pretty cute and I just had to catch it on video. Check it out.
I realize now, that I should of captured more of these moments and made more videos when Isabella was a little baby. They are only this little ONCE. And it goes by way too quickly......

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