Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Her Hair is So Long and Blonde...

Baby G's hair must be at least 4 inches long and so blonde! Oh where or where did she get all of this hair? Say that 10 times fast.... When I give her a bath and then blow dry her hair so she doesn't get cold, a SPIKE is created and stays for days! No additional hair products needed. Back in the day we had to put so much hairspray in just to get the "spike" to stay!! Aqua net comes to mind...
On Friday, Baby G has her two month doctor's appointment and I can't wait to see what she weighs in at since birth! I wonder how much she has grown. Hmmm...
Meanwhile, big sister is loving up on Baby G - showering her with kisses daily to the forehead AND lips. Izzy wants to see and hold her baby sister everyday and continues to help me take care of her little sister. So cute to see a 2 1/2 year old show LOVE and AFFECTION for a baby.....priceless!

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