Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When the Cat is Away, the Mice Shall Play

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this picture proves to be priceless. A little girl, happy to be painting. Experimenting...starting with painting her Mickey Mouse picture. Then painting her hands. Then smearing the paint all over her face. She had such a grand time!
Both Giselle and Isabella went to the doctor on Monday for their check-ups. Giselle is now four months old and weighs 12 pounds and 13.5 oz. She had four shots. Isabella is almost 3 years old and weighs 30 pounds and 12.8 oz. Turns out she has a double ear infection in which they prescribed amoxicillin to be given to her for 10 days. Her very first ear infection ever. I am surprised she went as long as she did without getting one.

She also got some nasal spray to be given daily for her ever lasting running nose and he wrote an order to get her blood tested again for her allergies.
Giselle is busy rolling over, smiling and laughing ALOT. The doctor said she is measuring longer, so I have a feeling I will have two tall girls in the works, as Isabella is taller for her age.
Isabella has started to read to her baby sister daily, continues to shower her with kisses and hugs and still remains concerned about her well being at all times. Always letting me know where she is, what she is doing or what she needs.

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