Saturday, June 11, 2011

Helping Daddy Move

Today, Giselle and Isabella got up bright and early to help their father move into his new office. His new office sure is nice and has floor to ceiling windows that illuminate the city skyline. Isabella sure did enjoy looking out!
After we got done helping, we went to a nice lunch just off of Michigan Avenue. Then we headed to Grant Park and caught the BLUE's fest. We placed a blanket down right in front of the Mississippi Juke Joint stage and enjoyed the blues for a few hours. Isabella was running back and forth dancing making everyone laugh and Giselle was all smiles just rolling around.
On our walk back, we picked up some Garrett's popcorn. YUM YUM!
The girls had such an action packed day that they both sacked out in the car and went down for the count!
Here are a few pictures from the day!

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