Monday, June 13, 2011

What's New with Baby G?

Well let me tell you. She sleeps in the same room as her big sister Isabella. She sometimes sleeps through the night depending on how she feels. She is eating oatmeal everyday. Yesterday I gave her some peas, but don't tell anyone.
She will be 6 months old in 3 weeks. She loves to rollover. SMILE. Laugh....especially at her sister Isabella. Her blue eyes are just GLOWING. Her blonde hair is not turning darker. She is so alert and so aware of what is going on around her. She is growing so fast, that I have already cleaned out 2 garbage bags full of clothes that don't fit her anymore.
She is getting to that point where she doesn't really like to be held anymore....she wants to be adventurous.
Today, I captured her checking me out.

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