Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost 8 months and 3 Years Old!

Little Ms. Giselle went to the doctor today for her routine check-up and weighed in at 17 pounds, 2 ounces. She is in the 95 percentile for her height, as she is 28.5 inches long. No wonder she is busting out of her clothes, it is because she is tall! Still no teeth as of yet. She is crawling all over the house like crazy and if you turn your head for a second, you might just find her in the next room.
Isabella weighed in at 32 pounds and is 38 inches long.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

As Summer Comes to An End

Why does summer always seem to fly by in Illinois? It seems like you just get warmed up and then the cool air sets. The air conditioning goes off and you open up the doors and windows to welcome the cool air breeze.
I get excited for fall. One of my favorite seasons. It means that you get to cook those warm, belly filling meals and not feel guilty about really chowing down. Like a pot roast with carrots and potatos. Or chili. You get to wear your favorite sweater or scarf.
Before I get too excited about fall, I must say the girls are enjoying these last few days of summer. This morning we went on a two hour bike ride through the forest preserves. Afterwards, we treated ourselves to a Portillo's hotdog. Followed by a two hour nap. Then we hit the pool and swam for a few. Then we all made a homemade pizza together.
Hope you all are enjoying these last days before we reach a new season to welcome.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shredding Paper is FUNNY - Giselle

Back in April of 2009, I shot a video of Isabella Marie laughing her head off to the sound of shredding paper. She was about the same age that Giselle Eloise is now. Amazing how time can grant you the "deja vu" moment where you feel as though you may have experienced something before and then all of a sudden it hits you....YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED it before.
Go back in the blog and click on April of 2009 to see Isabella laugh to the sound of shredding paper. Today, I captured baby G doing the same.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Rainy Day.....

the rest of the world is busy working away. It's pouring rain out. What do we decide to do? DANCE! Because WE have the moves like Jagger! We turned up the volume during the pouring rain and rocked it! Isabella is sporting her new "birthday haircut!"
Afterwards, we decided to bake confetti cupcakes complete with pink frosting and sprinkles.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Fun Filled Weekend

Filled with family, laughs, fishies, the outdoors, crafts, sports, nature and more!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...