Saturday, October 29, 2011

Twas Time for a visit to the Dentist

Isabella visited the dentist today for her first checkup ever. While I did not take her to the appointment, Bob tells me she was quite the trooper! Got her teeth cleaned with strawberry toothpaste topped off with strawberry fluoride. That a girl! Out of all the flavors, she picked STRAWBERRY! YUMMY!
I am so proud of my big girl for being so brave! These first time appointments to anything can be very SCARY to a little one when you have never experienced it!
When she was all finished getting her teeth cleaned, she got to pick a treat out of the magic treasure chest, in which she chose a piggy bank. (big smiles HERE!)
I am told she has a "crossbite" just like her daddy, so we shall see how that pans out down the road. Meanwhile, Baby G just stared at Isabella the entire appointment wondering what was really going on......

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