Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Trick or Treat 2011

Isabella was a pink horse. Giselle was Frankenstein. Each of the girls had their own bucket to fill with candy. And Baxie, well, he was a pumpkin. It was super cold here, as it always is on Halloween. You end up bundling the kids up to the point where you can't even tell what their costume is. We went out trick or treating for about an hour and at that point I could tell both girls were very cold, so we went in.
Baxie enjoyed pissing on every mail box he passed that wasn't his. The highlight of the evening was when we went to a house, Isabella said TRICK or TREAT and the lady put some candy in her bucket. (And there it was.....for the first time. I couldn't believe my ears and had to LAUGH out loud.)
The girl who always beats up on her little sister...SAID to the LADY. "YOU FORGOT TO GIVE CANDY TO MY BABY SISTER." And the lady said, "What?" And Isabella repeated herself. "You forgot to give candy to Baby G!" And the lady apologetically threw more candy in Baby G's bucket and said that she didn't see her.
Bob and I both couldn't believe Isabella was defending her baby sister Giselle - age 3. For the first time, she did it.
Hope you all had a nice Halloween. When we got back home, we had only 3 trick or treaters. Bummer!

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